Global MX5 Cup Car Livery installation

I've written up this quick guide on how to properly install our Global MX5 Cup Livery. It goes along with the installation video.  

1) Clean car thoroughly, NO WAX!

2) Begin to position the main stripes, setting them in place with small pieces of blue painters tape.

-Main stripe, 3" from outer edge of headlight and nearly touching the side mirror and 3" from bottom of door handle.

-Position both front stripes, left and right, before applying them and make sure they are symetrical!

3) After both front strips are positioned, we can start laying the stripes. Place a long strip of blue tape across the first stripe, this will act as a hinge.

-Lift the stripe up to the hinge point and begin to remove the paper backing, CUT the paper backing and use a spray bottle to apply water to the vinyl and the car.

-Once sprayed, you can start squeegeeing out the water from the hinge to towards the headlights and applying the vinyl.

-After the front is applied, you can remove the remainder of the backing paper and spray and squeegee down the rest of the stripe.

4) Follow step 3 for installation of the other front stripe.

5) Once the front stripes are done, move onto the rear. The antenna provisions have already been added for the right side. For the rears, you will simply remove the backing paper, spray the vinyl and the car and apply the rear stripes folling the trunk line. That's it!!!